
Dotaz z 28. 12. 2023 1 minuta čtení
Anonymní otázka
I am a student here for Erasmus and I was taking Topical minoxidil + finasteride solution but my solution is almost finished. Is it possible to buy the topical solution here in Brno, Czech republic by taking an online prescription from my doctor( who is not in Czech republic).
Markéta Kejdušová, Dis.
Na dotaz odpovídá
Markéta Kejdušová, Dis.

Good day,

if you have an e-prescription issued from abroad, we are not yet able to accept it here, if it is a paper prescription, it must have the requirements in the Czech language and must have been issued in the EU. The prescription is valid for 14 days. If there is a problem with picking up the prescription, I recommend visiting the assigned doctor within Erasmus, who will prescribe you the prescription.

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