hair loss
for hair loss I would recommend Skinexpert by Dr. Max Revihair. This is an innovative care against hair loss. You wash your hair with Skinexpert by Dr. Max Revihair shampoo. Shampoo stimulates the scalp and helps to regenerate damaged hair, reduces brittleness of hair and support its growth. You apply the product on wet hair, keep for 2 minutes and then wash it. For better effect, I recommend to use this product once a day. Then you use skinexpert by Dr. Max conditioner. The conditioner smooths the surface of the hair, facilitates combing, helps to strengthen fine and thinning hair, regenerates brittle and damaged hair. On top I recommend to use the tonic and mask Skinexpert by Dr. Max Revihair. And last but least you should take vitamins Skinexpert by Dr. Max ReviHair capsules. The capsules contain a unique combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and horsetail extract, which helps to take care of your hair, nails and skin. Daily you take 2 capsules after meals or during meals.
All mentioned products you can purchase at Dr. Max pharmacies or at eshop Dr. Max
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