Sunscreen to sensitive light Nordic skin
Hello, La Roche Posay Hyalu B5 Aquagel SPF 30 is perfect for daily using, bud if you´ll be in sun longer or most of day, it´s necessary to use some product with higher SPF. Reaction of skin to sun it´s very complicated, every skin is different. So I don´t think, that problem is the product, but you probably need higher SPF in your cream, because your skin is more sensitive, whitch is normal. I recomend use the Uriage Bariesun Creme SPF50+ on you day cream, it could be the LRP Hyalu aquagel or any other day cream that you like. Uriage Bariesun Creme SPF50+ has a higher protection agains sun rays, cream has a light texture and you can use make up on this cream. Also very important is cleansing, so clean your face twice a day, you can use for example Uriage micellar water for sensitive skin, this product clean you skin and remove make up. After cleaning use the thermale water Uriage Eau Thermale, whitch hydrate and calm your skin. It´s perfect for daily using and you can use it by the day for hydrating your skin ever on your make up. Use your day cream and on this cream apply Uriage Bariesun Cream SPF50+, apply this cream every mornign like a last step of your daily rutine. If you will be on sun longer, reaply this cream like every 2-3 hour. If you have a blisters best way is to avoid sun rays for a while. You can use Uriage Bariederm Cica Cream on this blisters, this cream help to heal them, apply this cream twice a day until blisters will be heal. Also remember use protecting cream with SPF on all your body, I can recomend Uriage Bariesun milk in spray SPF50+ for body. You can also use Uriage Bariesun Aftersun milk for calming your skin after sun exposition. If your skin is sensitive to sun, you can use orally Dr. Max Betakaroten caps. All this product is available in Dr. Max drungstores or on the
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