
Dotaz z 28. 2. 2023 1 minuta čtení
Anonymní otázka
I have a erectile dysfunction can you advice me what medicine or food supplement can i take to make longer in bed.
Mgr. Sabina Lazorová
Na dotaz odpovídá
Mgr. Sabina Lazorová

Heloo, for better libido and erection duration, increase of the testosterone, for overall better physical health intake of antioxidants is essential (vitamin C, E; selenium, zink). Folic acid and adaptogen herbs such as ginseng, eleutherococcus, schizandra, tribulus are also good for male potency, sexual vitality and stress management (for example 3Bullus, Clavin, Aphrodisia). Venopharmacas are also often used for support of erection duration (arginin, citrulin - ArginMax). For local use you could try anestetic gels (Erectan, Libidojelly...). Another option for you could be prescription from doctor, typically Sildenafil (Viagra, Modrasil and other generic drugs). Best regards, Sabina Lazorová 



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  • Can not last longer

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